Nordic Choral Conductors conference in Finland 4–6 October 2024
The Finnish Choral Conductors’ Association is inviting choral conductors and other choral professionals to Nordic Conference for Choral Conductors in Helsinki Music Centre 4.- 6.10.2024. The event is organized together with the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Nordisk Korforum, Föreningen Sveriges Körledare, Foreningen norske kordirigenter, Foreningen Danske Korledere and Félag íslenskra kórstjóra. The official language of the conference is English.
The programme of the conference consists of lectures, workshops, a masterclass and a panel discussion, all given Finnish, Nordic, and internaAonal experts. The lectures and workshops deal with subjects such as rhythm music in choirs, choir sound and vocal technique, concert planning, working with children and youth choirs and conducting a symphony or an opera choir. The subject for the panel is “A Reforming conductor”: how choral conductors can change or renew their ways of working – and is it necessary? Are we forced to change anyway since the world around us changes all the time, and the choirs along with it as well?
In addition, there are two evening concerts during the conference, one presenting the renowned Sibelius Academy Vocal Ensemble, and the other some prize-winning choirs from Finland, such as Akademiska Damkören Lyran, Male Choir Euga and Sibelius Upper Secondary School Chamber Choir.
The most important part of the conference is also to get to network and to make new friendships. There will be a lot of time and possibilities for social interaction!
More information and registration.
Friday 4.10.2024
14.00 registration begins
16.30 opening of the event
16.45 Lecture: Concert planning – Bernhardt Hess (DE)
18.15 break
19.30 Concert: Sibelius Academy Vocal Ensemble
Saturday 5.10.2024
9.30 Two workshops to choose from
a) Rhythm music in choris – Merzi Rajala (FIN)
b) Choir sound and vocal technique – Jani Siv.n (FIN)
11.00 break
11.30 Two workshops to choose from
a) Rhythm music in choris – Merzi Rajala (FIN)
b) Choir sound and vocal technique – Jani Siv.n (FIN)
13.00 lunch
14.00 Conducting masterclass and a workshop (to choose one or the other)
a) Conducting masterclass – Sigvards Klava (LV)
b) Conducting an equal voices choir – Marit Tøndel Bodsberg Weyde (NO)
15.30 break
16.00 Conducting masterclass and a workshop (to choose one or the other)
a) Conducting masterclass – Sigvards Klava (LV)
b) ConducAng a symphony or an opera choir – Ines Kaun (DE/SWE)
17.30 break
19.00 Concert: Akademiska Damkören Lyran, Male Choir Euga & Sibelius Upper Secondary School Chamber Choir
20.30 evening gala
Sunday 6.10.2024
9.30 Two workshops to choose from
a) Renaissance music and madrigals from Josquin to Palestrina – Bo Holten (DK)
b) Working with children and youth choirs – Anna Nora (FIN)
11.00 break
11.30 Panel: A Reforming Conductor
Babefe Greiner (NL) – moderator
Nils Schweckendiek (DE/FIN)
Bo Holten (DK)
Dag Jansson (NO)
Karin Oldgren (SWE)
Helga Margrét Marzellíusardóttir (ISL)
13.00 lunch
14.30 the end of the event